16. Reorientation (Psalm 148)
Title: Reorientation
Speaker: Jeremiah Thomas
Scripture: Psalm 148
Date: September 6, 2015
15. Up Close (Psalm 139)
Title: Up Close
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 139
Date: August 30, 2015
14. Priest and King (Psalm 110)
Title: Priest and King
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 110
Date: August 23, 2015
13. Our Gracious God (Psalm 103)
Title: Our Gracious God
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 103
Date: August 16, 2015
12. I Will Remember (Psalm 77)
Title: I Will Remember
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 77
Date: August 9, 2015
11. Cast Down (Psalms 42 & 43)
Title: Cast Down
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalms 42 & 43
Date: August 2, 2015
10. The Goodness of God in the Lives of His People
Title: The Goodness of God in the Lives of His People
Speaker: Dr. Mark Ross
Scripture: Psalm 34
Date: July 26, 2015
9. Forsaken (Psalm 22)
Title: Forsaken
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 22
Date: July 12, 2015
8. The Reality of Revelation (Psalm 19)
Title: The Reality of Revelation
Speaker: Jeremiah Thomas
Scripture: Psalm 19
Date: July 5, 2015
7. Belly Laughs And Gut Praise (Psalm 18)
Title: Belly Laughs And Gut Praise
Speaker: Jeremiah Thomas
Scripture: Psalm 18
Date: June 28, 2015
6. Solid Trust (Psalm 16)
Title: Solid Trust
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 16
Date: June 21 2015
5. Entrance Exam (Psalm 15)
Title: Entrance Exam
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 15
Date: June 14 2015
4. Exsurge Domine (Psalm 10)
Title: Exsurge Domine
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 10
Date: June 7, 2015
3. The Art of Remembering (Psalm 9)
Title: The Art of Remembering
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 9
Date: May 31, 2015
2. Acknowledging the King (Psalm 2)
Title: Acknowledging the King
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 2
Date: May 24, 2015
1. Two Ways (Psalm 1:1-6)
Title: Two Ways
Speaker: Brandon Barrett
Scripture: Psalm 1:1-6
Date: May 17, 2015