Bible Study Tools
Below are some tools to enhance your study of the Scriptures.
If you’re looking for a practical approach on how to apply the scriptures to your life, you can try the S.P.E.C.K. approach:
(If you’d like to download a copy, click here for the printable copy.)
S.P.E.C.K. - Bible Study Tool
Passage: __________________________ Date: _______________
1. Observation
Write down everything you observe about the "who, what when, & where" in the passage. Look up any words that are unclear.
2. Application -S.P.E.C.K. (you can't always answer all 5 parts)
S - Sin to confess + avoid
In the passage, does God say something about sin? Is there a sin to confess? Is there a sin that I should avoid?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
P - Promise to keep
Does God communicate a promise for me to claim?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
E - Example to follow
Do I find people in this passage that give a good role model? What character traits and which actions are commendable? Which are not?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C - Command to obey
Are there any specific commands given for me to follow? What does God want me to apply to my life today and this week so that I develop Godly character and habits?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
K - Knowledge about God
What does this passage tell me about God or about Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit? What is God like? What are His attributes? What does He do? What does He like and dislike? What is His attitude?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Specific Plan
From all that you have learned in studying the passage from God's Word, what are you going to do about it? (This is not to earn God's favor or salvation, but rather a chance to deepen the relationship between you and Christ.) Make a specific, doable plan:
4. Pray for God's Help
Pray, asking God to help you to apply what you have learned. He will.